dinsdag 11 juni 2013

chilly mama!

Today I had a enorm good feeling about myself; I have rewritten an article and Yes; It is accepted now. It means my second article will be published in de september-edition of an nursing magazine.
And an another reason to make a party is the following:
My husband will keep his job; O dear, he was so stressed the last few months....and I was also, you can imagine!
Thus now I am cooking this heavently meal for him; pasta carbonara with bacon, a lot off mushrooms, real cream and this meal will be provided with the most tasty salad whith olives, cucumber, peterselie, little tomatoes....mmm. I have a nice Chilean red wine to make a toast. Ha ha.
I will suprise him, he is late this evening, cause he had an course.
The children are doing well also; Daniel will go to group 2, Njord will go to group 4; I'm so proud about my family!
Four more weeks to work and then....holidy-time.
Time to chill, chill, from morning to evening.
See you!

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