vrijdag 29 maart 2013

Mom confession!

Dear Moms,
I am totaly out of my energy!!...;(...
The point is my youngest son will not listen to me..... He is in a sort of ''I do what I like to do and no one tells me how!!'' Wich mom has some tips for me???
I know it is temporary....(I have the experience with my oldest.... )
I hope for bether times;))

woensdag 27 maart 2013


hello there!
This is the first wednesday-afternoon, I am without my children. Normaly I have one of the boys at home...Or my house is a playground for other children. Now, both the children are out playing. With there friends from school. Also my youngest son. He is out playing for the first time. I realize they are growing very fast:).They don't need there mother all the time...mmm. They also have had lunch without their mom....
Wel, I had a real quiet afternoon!!!! But then I made this nice plan.
First I ate a very tastfull sandwich with a lot af Filet American....
Then I went for.....yes :shopping, al on my own!!
I did go to a second hand kids clothing shop...and I bought some real nice things. A few short pants, some t-shirts. And the funny thing is: I bought 6 clothes and I payed only 6 euro. Nice shopping:)
And, then this mum bought herself a real nice skirt. In the nice new colours of spring (a green skirt!).. Furthermore, I went to the supermarket. Next weekend it's Easter-weekend and we need a lot of food and trinks. I did walk by the shop whithout my lovely boys (a ha, no screaming, no running kids!!!)
My boys are nicely brought up, but in a shop they are real strangers for me. They don't listen...they want all the candy and cake and ships..... and they all put their 'belongings' in my car.grrr
But this afternoon,the shopping whitout my dear kids; it was really quiet you know!
For next saturday, we will go to a children's show. I will go togehter with a friend and her doughter.
I only have to work tomorrow and then I'm free! 4 days, Yes. My husband is also at home. I love this long weekend. Time to relax!
But I hope, the temperature will be better;  it's still freesing cold outdoor. We all want a nice warm Spring.
And now I  enjoy a cup of thee (again with a nice cocos-cake). I promise myself I will go for a swimm again next week! But first enjoy this free moment. I am the happiest mom on earth...
See you:)

zaterdag 16 maart 2013

Help...I'm sick...

A big mess; in my house...full baskets with dirty clothes....a full kitchen.....AND NO ENERGIE to do anything.
I have packed the dishwasher....and I'm sweating all over.
The reason; I'm sick. (and my youngest son is also sick, he slept in our bed last night, the little boy).
I felt very tired the whole week. I had to take more rest; I had a course, a symposium, I had a to busy schedule this week! 3 days working, I have also swum....all very nice things....but it was to much;)))
But now I have to rest and thats a good reason to read that nice book now! Ha ha.
My husband and my oldest son are going to the a football match; my youngest son is sleeping on the couch. ....I't mama time. I can really recommend the book I'm reading now; The secret book club, written by Gayle Lynds. And I love the fresh jus d'orange I made myself!!
I hope I feel better tomorrow so I can go to my sister's birthday.
Well enough blogging for today. See you!!

woensdag 6 maart 2013

Mothers for mothers:))

I just got a call; if my offer still stands. The thing is, A mother from school has organised a birthday-party for her son (and Daniel is also invited). She was quite ill  last week, so I offered to help with the party. She said she was okay and did need my help.
This morning, she asked me of I still want to help ( her mother had a car break down...).
Njord is going to play with a friend, so that's taken care for:). My mother in law is standing by, I love my mother in law!!
W're going to a big child play room in the city. Now, I'm going to drive with four kids, o dear. Í've just had a busy morning! But I'll survive!
It's nice when you get help. Last I needed unexpectly care for the childeren, and a mother offered to take care for my two sons that day! So nice. I call such help Mothers for mothers!!
I'm so happy; I did some shopping this morning; for the kids. I bought them really nice clothes, in the hippest coulours. I hope my boys like them as much as I do;))
See you. 

This evening I'm exausted...I think; this is a good reason to bake some pancakes;)).....